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Updated 01/17/24

This newsletter is a big part of how I keep track of what's happening with COVID. Check it out and support her!

   We will continue to use masks for some time. Just because the emergency phase has been declared over doesn’t mean COVID isn’t circulating and causing both deaths and long-term complications. Please cooperate with proper mask use which means covering your nose with it as well. You are protecting Mitch and I when you wear your mask properly so that you can continue to access affordable acupuncture; if I get sick, I’m not coming back until I know I won’t infect anyone which could be up to 10+ days. Plus, people with compromised immune systems could be sitting next to you, and so as long as it’s still possible to transmit COVID across the entire year we will continue to mask here for everyone’s safety. Additionally, we continue to ask that you not come in to the office if you feel symptoms of a cold. If you have any doubts about whether it’s a cold, allergies, or COVID, please test before you come in.

   In the back of the treatment space you’ll see the large filter box which is the main filter for the space. We have a smaller fan with another filter on it. There is a simple box fan pulling air from the treatment space out to the waiting area. You may also notice that we are leaving the front door open for periods of time. We apologize for the extra noise and light this is the fastest way to change the air in the office. We use a CO2 monitor hanging next to the thermostat to determine when we have to open the front door.

Opening Hours


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